IELTS General Module is different from Academic Module. With a competitive IELTS G benchmark, applicants can potentially receive an invitation to apply Express Entry or Provincial Nomination within weeks.
I have an IELTS benchmark of 8.5 and tutor experience for 7 years. It's an exam designed to test both your language ability and exam-taking, time management skills. Find a professional tutor to ease the pain!
Business schools use GMAT Exam as a criterion for admission into a wide range of programs including MBA. GMAT is considered to weigh almost half of your business school application. GMAT tests your logical reasoning and critical analytical skills in a short 3.5 hours exam with four components. The GMAT content is designed for students coming from various background, business, arts, sciences, social sciences and other professional degrees. Generally speaking, it takes lengthy months to prepare Quantitative and Verbal sections for any test takers, regardless your native tongue or subject in college. Most GMAT takers are working professionals, you may not meet another soul to accompany you along the way, thus may feel alone and frustrated by the difficulty of the exam (trust me, every GMAT test taker, sooner or later, found him/herself defeated in the process). Find a professional tutor like Avery if needed.
Downtown Vancouver (2 mins walking to Waterfront) office and classroom for one to one tutoring or small classroom settings.
Evening and weekend sessions available upon early notice.
移民类雅思 (General Training Module)有其独特性,不比学术类容易
高分移民雅思可免去工作offer要求直接入选Express Entry
专业雅思辅导,五年教学经验 8.5分雅思,同时提高语言能力和考试技巧
GMAT 考试是进入商学院必须的考试,包括MBA和其他高等学位。且高分和名校直接挂钩。GMAT是逻辑考试,而非纯语言考试,在短短3.5小时内,4个组成部分测试逻辑推理,和分析能力。考试需要大量训练,和技巧。对于英语母语者尚需要数月复习数学和语文部分。中文母语者则更应该投入时间,找对方向。Avery有数年GMAT教学经验。不管是长期备考还是考前冲刺,都能助您圆名校商学院梦想。
Avery教学办公室在Vancouver Downtown Waterfront Station附近
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BC PNP 对雅思的评分取决于听说读写最低的一项,报名了2019年春天 本拿比,列治文或温哥华的移民类雅思考试吗?有好友若干一起备考吗?需要强化口语和写作吗?Avery可提供小组指导练习型“团购”辅导。
准备申请2020 Fall MBA, 计划2019备考,秋季申请,苦于找不到志同道合的GMAT备考者和 辅导资料吗?
独家原创攥写的 雅思口语课堂,雅思写作课堂
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